Kia ora koutou katoa
Principals Welcome
It is my pleasure to welcome you to our beautiful Whangamarino School website. I trust you will find lots of helpful information and answers to many of the questions that are common to most parents, caregivers, whānau and manuhiri.

Whangamarino School has a proud, rich, Ngāti Pikiao heritage. We enjoy this unique Ngāti Pikiao identity which stems from years of being part of the local communities of Mourea, Otaramarae and Okere Falls. We are now a Designated Special Character Kura under Section 200 (1) (a) of the Education Training Act (2020). We ensure that the tamariki of Ngāti Pikiao are given the opportunity to be educated in the context of their culture and heritage. The special character status ensures future successful participation of Ngāti Pikiao and all Māori students in their own community, the wider Māori community and in the wide world.
Whangamarino School is a dynamic, inspiring, dual medium Year 1-8 kura which offers both mainstream (Auraki) and Te Reo Māori full immersion education (Rumaki) for all year groups.
The school culture nurtures and values the unique position of Māori in New Zealand society.
At Whangamarino School, we have a team of innovative, hardworking, passionate and caring kaiako and support staff. We work extremely hard as a team to ensure that we provide the most culturally and academically rich, learning experiences for all of our tamariki.
We pride ourselves on knowing each of our tamariki and his/her whānau, providing excellent pastoral care. We are a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) kura. Our tamariki are expected to be respectful, responsible and inclusive when interacting with their peers, kaiako and community.
As a parent or whānau, your choice to send your son or daughter to Whangamarino is a choice that will create and shape their amazing future. Whangamarino School has an inclusive philosophy and a staff that supports the individual needs of all students.
We are fortunate to have a progressive, supportive Board of Trustees and an active dynamic Te Roopu Manaaki. Together we focus on our mission and our commitment to ensuring every student and whānau feel valued and included. Our school’s vision and values underpin our school culture and all our learning and teaching programs.
Manuhiri are always welcome at Whangamarino School. I encourage you to contact me if you have any queries. Alternatively, feel free to call in and I would be delighted to show you around and showcase what makes us unique and a fun, happy place of learning.
Nau mai, haere mai, welcome to our kura
Ngā mihi nui
Lorraine Northey
M.Ed (Hons), PGD Sp Ed. (Dist), B.Ed. Dip Tchg

Our Vision is
‘To develop young people who will be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners, who know their cultural identity’
History of Whangamarino School
Ngati Pikiao have always valued education and sought a more formal system towards the end of the New Zealand wars in 1863. Whangamarino School opened for the first time on 13th September 1926 with 47 students under teacher Mr W. England. By 1937 the roll had risen to over 100.
Akoranga - Learning
To develop students’ knowledge of Ngāti Pikiaotanga Marautanga and strengthen relationships and connections with Whānau, Hapu and Iwi. Whangamarino School is committed to nurturing student’s knowledge of who they are, where they have come from, and affirm our connections to whanau, hapu and iwi.